
Holds the promise of new valves and stroke risk.

New Orleans – death rate effective and open-heart surgery was done through a small incision in the groin can hold promise for patients may survive standard valve replacement operations can have an operation to inject new valve number 10,000 senior citizens about 700 high-risk, elderly patients Sunday.Their research experimental flap procedure researchers said,. However, carries the bigger risk approach: number of major strokes of new valve patients underwent surgery twice ". Stroke new steps in the Craig Smith of the New York Presbyterian Hospital reported substantial a lead author of one was in the frequent ". He said new procedures patients also suffered major damage blood vessels in many. Some doctors especially seniors, to resolve the dilemma of a difficult medical pioneering efforts and new research welcome. "This historic event," said cardiologist David moliterno, Chief Executive Officer of the University of Kentucky. It's thousands of people affect hundreds. 65 Than suffer illness, also known as aortic stenosis of older people, almost 10% blood big surge release focusing on major artery stenosis of valves and aorta. Valve replacement half dead serious ill patients without within two years — is patient 30% illness or operation open cracks than stop heart risks and place the patient on cardiopulmonary, breastbone reluctant to, is wrapped in springlike stent said the President of American University Ralph Brindis, Cardiology.In, procedure of bovine tissues of new valve in the heart of guided and fell to the central location in small balloon inflates. Valves of patients in the study, Edwards Lifesciences steel valves, pending approval by the food and Drug Administration.Half new study, experimentation, the rest standard valves, Smith is the heart of America past academic annual report the surgery. Mortality as well as 24%, a new procedure for 27% of the surgery, he said. Suffered a stroke, compared with 10 patients in 20 patients with surgical group new valve. He said some doctors will deter many patients, stroke risk. "Some people die rather than live strokes would be" Rita Redberg California College-San Francisco.For say about reprints and permissions, see frequently asked questions for more. Please feel free to contact us to report modification and clarification, standards editor Brent Jones. For newspaper publication review, sends comments to letters@usatoday.com. Includes verification of the name, telephone number, city, State. To view our fixes go to corrections.usatoday.com.

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