
White ' the wins service 12 Truman Scholarship money.

Haley white ' 12 College only 2011 as a Truman Scholar selected. Harry s. Truman Scholarship Foundation, announced last Thursday in the 60 winners press release.

Competitive scholarships are parliamentary memory of President Harry S. Truman, in 1975, until the establishment of $ 30,000 for graduate studies University have demonstrated a clear commitment to a career in Government or public service junior allows.

Preparation of white, major Wilson School last September, when the she Truman Scholarship into one of four University application began. Nominated, she submits application to the Foundation was chosen as one of the finalists of the 197. Interview process, intensive 20 minutes is an innovative policy solutions that generate and intelligently speak about various issues under time constraints and the mental pressure of the individual's ability to test 5 bear fruit ago a panel of judges.

"At one point, asked one woman, ','ve traveled all of these countries. Obviously, you are very privileged living there had. Do you think you can understand the truly poor people? ' It was a big problem, as you know "reflects the white.

Even the white original opinion columnist, 'Prince'

White, she's put Princeton University that is a clear mind and focus gap chose her freshman year ago. She spent the fall farm of Heifer International's work in outreach programs, educational non-governmental organization Street after market Ecuador moves to.

"I came to the University before, actually my interests form," white describes her travel experiences. "In particular, from the experience of these two I really food ideas was forced by. Needed is good, we production so much problem there.

Was particularly useful during the freshman experience seminar facelift 142 of these to write her: "factor of the so-called low-intensity conflict, drug trafficking is the forced migration" to explore her final thesis and social justice, immigrant, refugee, "most were among the original paper topics," Princeton writing program William, returning is taught white class, instructor email.

"We [whether or not as innocent Uyghurs Guantanamo Geneva Convention refugees are eligible, in Cafe Viv were some of most rewarding and educational fun moments of debate now, until" and added that. "I do have revealed she associated her with excitement and very proud. Happy to see that someone is not aware how to have prospects in her case they just unique in the world is trying to challenge that outspoken commitment, social justice, present in.

In the summer after her 2-year sophomore year she is Dale after she in her fall short paper Yemen of agriculture and food security issues research supported Central American subsistence farmers living award.

His female junior Advisor and teacher of Wilson Yemen Barbara Bodine, Ambassador and white, "stand out" his woman policy task force in the fall to Yemen.

"Her problem — food security —, facing structural problems and Yemen clearly articulated, and innovative and is important to understand the practical recommendations is important for reliable collaborative report book craft" Bodine said email. "Haley was in strong persuasive case United States International Development Agency and USDA United States, by new management established feed the future plan, the appropriate program framework for United States Government" she loved.

Bodine feed future Yemen in this study he has drawn her own diplomatic work and the United States Department of State.

Was invited last winter, white NGO SustainUS representative as to delegate to the United Nations Commission for social development.

In addition to her academic work, white also public services and campus development of the society. Advice, campus student civic engagement leaders connect, pace Conference co-chair besides Blake out Princeton citizens action Committee on white priorities, budget recommendations and her own poverty and economic development of the Buffalo learning travel, and led the New York, city, country's third highest poverty rates.

To replace the fair trade certified and Chiquita brands international banana also white in campus dining services asked what the project of the free trade bananas in the heading is. She projects her participated, was inspired by the study of immigration in the tomato industry work, break-out trip earlier Immokalee, Florida.

When asked if she plans to pursue a career of Government White she prefers "non-traditional" means many things of addresses. She also she is actively working in the field want'd.

She explained and I've got interested in social enterprise ideas. See how social issues solution continuously find profit mechanism. ... I open agricultural NGO branch of their social organization or work looked at several consulting firms "

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